How Much Do Dentures Cost Without Insurance?
How Much Do Dentures Cost Without Insurance?
Without insurance, dentures can cost anywhere between $2,500 to $3,200 depending on how many plates you need. And if you need to have your teeth removed, the cost increases. Even if you do have dental insurance, you’ll still likely have to pay a portion of the costs. This is because most dental insurance plans have a maximum savings cap.If you’re interested in dentures, you may want to shop around and get multiple quotes. Find a provider who offers exceptional service at a great value. Also, talk with the dentist to learn about your options. Some dentures and materials may cost more than others. With this knowledge, you’ll be able to make a better decision to help fit your needs and your budget.
You can also ask the dental provider if they offer in-house financing. Many healthcare providers, including dentists, offer CareCredit. It works like a credit card but it only pays for health-related services. It even has different rates and payment plans.
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